[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[amenity=college][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[amenity=college][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[amenity=college][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[amenity=school][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[amenity=school][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[amenity=school][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[building=college][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[building=college][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[building=college][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[building=school][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[building=school][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[building=school][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[site=school][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,50.08793,14.38699)[type=site][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; ); out center tags;
Gymnázium Jana Keplera (zkráceně GJK) je pražské gymnázium. Nabízí čtyřleté a osmileté všeobecně zaměřené studium s širokým výběrem volitelných předmětů. Areál gymnázia se nachází na území městské části Praha 6 v prostoru mezi ulicemi Keplerova, Parléřova, Morstadtova a Hládkov. Škola má kapacitu 590 žáků, v současné době[kdy?] má 20 tříd. Gymnázium bylo od roku 2004 pilotní školou RVP pro gymnaziální vzdělávání. Vyučuje podle školního vzdělávacího programu Per aspera ad astra!.
The Gymnázium Jana Keplera (English: Johannes Kepler Grammar School or Johannes Kepler Gymnasium) is a public gymnasium located in Prague 6 district in Prague, Czech Republic. It offers eight-year and four-year programmes covering both sciences and humanities and including the study of foreign languages (English language is compulsory, for the last four years students choose French language or German language in addition). The school has approximately 75 teachers and 600 students and is housed within a single building comprising three parts. The oldest part was built in 1932 in the functionalist style. On 6 June 1971 the school, which changed names several times during its existence, was named in honor of Johannes Kepler.
Le lycée Johannes-Kepler (GJK en abrégé) est un lycée de Prague fondé en 1932. Il propose des parcours générales de quatre et huit ans avec un large choix de matières optionnelles,. Le lycée est situé à Prague 6, rue Parléřova. L'école a une capacité de 590 élèves et compte actuellement[Quand ?] 20 classes. Depuis 2004, le lycée est une école pilote FEP pour l'enseignement au lycée. L’enseignement suit le programme éducatif de l'« école Per aspera ad astra! » Le directeur du lycée est le vice-président du Sénat de la République tchèque, Jiří Růžička.
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school (Q3914) | amenity=school |
Schools in Prague | amenity=college, amenity=school, site=school, type=site, building=school, building=college |