[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,35.50000,133.00000)[landuse=forest][name]; way(around:1000,35.50000,133.00000)[landuse=forest][name]; rel(around:1000,35.50000,133.00000)[landuse=forest][name]; node(around:1000,35.50000,133.00000)[natural=wood][name]; way(around:1000,35.50000,133.00000)[natural=wood][name]; rel(around:1000,35.50000,133.00000)[natural=wood][name]; ); out center tags;
The Nihonkai evergreen forests ecoregion (WWF ID: PA0427) covers a thin strip of land on the western coast (facing the Sea of Japan) of the island of Honshu in Japan. It is bounded on the east by the Nihonkai montane deciduous forests ecoregion.
니혼카이 상록수림(영어: Nihonkai evergreen forests)은 일본 서북부의 온대 활엽수혼합림이다. 혼슈의 동해(일본해) 해안에 분포하며, 동쪽으로 니혼카이 산악 낙엽수림과 접한다.
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Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests | landuse=forest, natural=wood |