[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,55.76000,12.39970)[place=neighbourhood][name]; way(around:1000,55.76000,12.39970)[place=neighbourhood][name]; rel(around:1000,55.76000,12.39970)[place=neighbourhood][name]; node(around:1000,55.76000,12.39970)[place=suburb][name]; way(around:1000,55.76000,12.39970)[place=suburb][name]; rel(around:1000,55.76000,12.39970)[place=suburb][name]; ); out center tags;
Hareskovby med 3.871 indbyggere (2024) er en bydel i Storkøbenhavn beliggende i Furesø Kommune i Nordsjælland. Bydelen ligger naturskønt omgivet af Hareskoven på 3 sider. Udover de mere end 1000 boliger rummer byen Hareskov Skole, Hareskov Kirke, Hareskov Bibliotek samt sportshal og fodboldbaner. Dertil egen S-togsstation. Fra Hareskovby er der 16 km til Københavns centrum.
Hareskovby, or Hareskov By, is a small suburb to Copenhagen, Denmark, located just south and west of Hareskoven, one of the largest forested areas in the city's northern suburbs. It straddles the border between Furesø and Herlev municipalities and the contiguously built-up area extends into Gladsaxe and Ballerup municipalities, though these areas are not called Hareskov or Hareskovby.
no matches found
neighborhood (Q123705) | place=neighbourhood |
suburb (Q188509) | place=suburb |