Berlin-Spandau (Q569827)

Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Spandau ist der namensgebende Ortsteil im Bezirk Spandau von Berlin.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Spandau (German: [ˈʃpandaʊ̯] ) is a locality (Ortsteil) of Berlin in the homonymous borough (Bezirk) of Spandau. The historic city is situated, for the most part, on the western banks of the Havel river. As of 2020 the estimated population of Spandau was 39,653.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Berlin-Spandau [ˈʃpandaʊ̯] est un quartier de l'ouest de Berlin, capitale de l'Allemagne; un des neuf quartiers de l'arrondissement de Spandau. Il comprend le cœur de la ville autrefois indépendante, bien connu pour son centre historique (Altstadt).

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Spandau es una antigua ciudad y actual barrio (ortsteil) de Berlín. Está situado en su distrito homónimo. En 2008 su población estimada era de 33 433 personas.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Spandau is een stadsdeel van Berlijn en was tot de vorming van Groot-Berlijn in 1920 een zelfstandige stad. Het stadsdeel Spandau maakt deel uit van het gelijknamige district en is van oudsher bekend om zijn wapenfabriek.

Summary from Português / Portuguese Wikipedia (ptwiki)

Spandau é uma localidade de Berlim pertencente a bairro homônimo (Bezirk). A parte histórica desta localidade está situada, em sua maior parte, na margem oeste do Rio Havel. Em 2008 a população estimada da localidade foi de 33.433 habitantes.

Wikidata location: 52.5367, 13.2044 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found 10 match candidates

relation: Spandau (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
ref: 05
name: Spandau
place: borough
name:ru: Шпандау
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q158083
wikipedia: de:Bezirk Spandau
population: 245527
admin_level: 9
description: 5. Verwaltungsbezirk von Berlin
name:prefix: Bezirk
population:date: 2020-12-31
postal_addr:city: Berlin
postal_addr:street: Carl-Schurz-Straße
geographical_region: Berliner Urstromtal
postal_addr:country: DE
postal_addr:postcode: 13597
de:regionalschluessel: 11005
postal_addr:housename: Bezirksamt Spandau von Berlin
postal_addr:housenumber: 2/6

wikidata mismatch: Q158083
relation: Wilhelmstadt (OSM), 1.38 km from Wikidata [show tags]
ref: 0509
name: Wilhelmstadt
place: suburb
name:ru: Вильхельмштадт
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q563692
wikipedia: de:Berlin-Wilhelmstadt
admin_level: 10
name:prefix: Ortsteil
geographical_region: Berliner Urstromtal

wikidata mismatch: Q563692
relation: Haselhorst (OSM), 427 m from Wikidata [show tags]
ref: 0502
name: Haselhorst
place: suburb
name:ru: Хазельхорст
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q266024
wikipedia: de:Berlin-Haselhorst
admin_level: 10
name:prefix: Ortsteil
geographical_region: Berliner Urstromtal
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class: Area
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LCLversion: 9.00
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LocationCode: 32510

wikidata mismatch: Q266024
relation: Spandau (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
ref: 0501
name: Spandau
place: suburb
name:ru: Шпандау
name:uk: Шпандау
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q569827
wikipedia: de:Berlin-Spandau
admin_level: 10
name:prefix: Ortsteil
geographical_region: Berliner Urstromtal
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class: Area
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LCLversion: 9.00
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LocationCode: 4974

wikidata match: Q569827
relation: Hakenfelde (OSM), 1.48 km from Wikidata [show tags]
ref: 0507
name: Hakenfelde
place: suburb
name:ru: Хакенфельде
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q569895
wikipedia: de:Berlin-Hakenfelde
admin_level: 10
name:prefix: Ortsteil
geographical_region: Berliner Urstromtal
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class: Area
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LCLversion: 9.00
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LocationCode: 32512

wikidata mismatch: Q569895
relation: Falkenhagener Feld (OSM), 1.95 km from Wikidata [show tags]
ref: 0508
name: Falkenhagener Feld
place: suburb
name:ru: Фалькенхагенер Фельд
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q559222
wikipedia: de:Berlin-Falkenhagener Feld
admin_level: 10
name:prefix: Ortsteil
geographical_region: Berliner Urstromtal

wikidata mismatch: Q559222
relation: Siemensstadt (OSM), 3.07 km from Wikidata [show tags]
ref: 0503
name: Siemensstadt
place: suburb
name:ru: Зименсштадт
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q3510657
wikipedia: de:Berlin-Siemensstadt
admin_level: 10
name:prefix: Ortsteil
geographical_region: Berliner Urstromtal
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class: Area
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LCLversion: 9.00
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LocationCode: 32511

wikidata mismatch: Q3510657
node: Haselhorst (OSM), 3.10 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Haselhorst
note: siehe Relation für Details
place: suburb
name:prefix: Ortsteil
node: Spandau (OSM), 3.34 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Spandau
note: siehe Relation für Details
place: borough
name:prefix: Bezirk
postal_addr:city: Berlin
postal_addr:street: Carl-Schurz-Straße
postal_addr:country: DE
postal_addr:postcode: 13597
postal_addr:housename: Bezirksamt Spandau von Berlin
postal_addr:housenumber: 2/6
node: Spandau (OSM), 0.75 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Spandau
note: siehe Relation für Details
place: suburb
name:prefix: Ortsteil

Search criteria from Wikidata

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administrative territorial entity (Q56061) boundary=administrative

Search criteria from categories

Populated places established in the 13th century boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level