[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,37.87670,23.72750)[sport=multi][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,37.87670,23.72750)[sport=multi][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,37.87670,23.72750)[sport=multi][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; ); out center tags;
Sailing/Yachting is an Olympic sport that has been part of the Olympic programme starting from the Games of the 1st Olympiad (1896 Olympics in Athens, Greece). With the exception of 1904 and possibly the canceled 1916 Summer Olympics, sailing has always been included on the Olympic schedule. The Sailing program in 2004 consisted of eleven disciplines divided over nine sailing classes. For each discipline multiple races were scheduled between 14 and 28 August 2004 along the coast near Athens. Athens hosted the Olympic sailing competitions for the second time, having done so during the 1896 Summer Olympics. However, in 1896, the sailing competition was cancelled due to heavy storms and further bad weather conditions. This time the weather conditions were good. The sailing event was executed on the several types of Olympic courses in different course areas using the 'Fleetrace' and 'Matchrace' formats.
Segling vid olympiska sommarspelen 2004 hölls vid Agisos Kosmas, Aten. Det tävlades i elva olika grenar.
Zeilen is een van de sporten die beoefend werden tijdens de Olympische Zomerspelen 2004 in Athene. De zeilwedstrijden vonden plaats in het Agios Kosmas Olympic Sailing Centre.
Cette page rapporte les résultats de la voile aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2004.
Vuoden 2004 kesäolympialaisten purjehdus järjestettiin Kreikassa Ateenan Agios Kosmasin purjehduskeskuksessa. Laji oli tuolloin mukana 23:tta kertaa. Sekä miehet että naiset kilpailivat neljässä luokassa, ja lisäksi ohjelmassa oli kolme avointa luokkaa.
Парусный спорт на XXVIII летних Олимпийских играх
Bei den XXVIII. Olympischen Sommerspielen 2004 in Athen fanden elf Wettkämpfe im Segeln statt, je vier Klassen für Männer und Frauen sowie drei gemischte Klassen. Austragungsort war das Olympische Segelzentrum Agios Kosmas, gelegen zwischen dem Faliro Coastal Zone Olympic Sports Complex und Glyfada, einem der vornehmsten Vororte von Athen.
Le gare di Vela ai Giochi della XXVIII Olimpiade si svolsero dal 14 al 28 agosto 2004 presso l'Agios Kosmas Olympic Sailing Centre di Atene. Il programma previde undici eventi, sette maschili e quattro femminili, ai quali presero parte 400 velisti dei quali 261 uomini e 139 donne, per un totale di 286 imbarcazioni.
no matches found
sport competition at a multi-sport event (Q51031626) | sport=multi |