Bahnhof Berlin-Lichtenberg (Q634247)

  • matcher place: Berlin (relation 62422), Lichtenberg (relation 404554)
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  • Wikipedia: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • English Wikipedia categories: Berlin S-Bahn stations, Buildings and structures in Lichtenberg, Railway stations in Berlin, Railway stations in Germany opened in 1881, U5 (Berlin U-Bahn) stations
  • Overpass query: show queryOverpass Turbo
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Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Der Bahnhof Berlin-Lichtenberg befindet sich im gleichnamigen Bezirk an der Grenze der Berliner Ortsteile Rummelsburg und Lichtenberg. Er war seit den 1980er Jahren der wichtigste Fernbahnhof Ost-Berlins. Hier verkehrten die meisten Fernzüge, die Berlin im DDR-Binnenverkehr passierten. Seine frühere Bedeutung ist an den umfangreichen Gleisanlagen erkennbar.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Berlin-Lichtenberg is a railway station in Berlin, Germany. It is located on the Eastern Railway, Wriezen Railway and Berlin Frankfurter Allee–Berlin-Rummelsburg railway lines in the Lichtenberg district. The station is also part of the Berlin S-Bahn and U-Bahn (U5 line) network.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

La gare de Berlin-Lichtenberg (en allemand : Bahnhof Berlin-Lichtenberg) est une gare ferroviaire berlinoise reliant différents moyens de transport des lignes régionales (Regionalbahn) à destination de l'est et du nord de Berlin et du S-Bahn. Elle accueille également certaines grandes lignes (EuroNight et FlixTrain). La station se trouve à la limite des quartiers Rummelsburg et Lichtenberg, aux lignes de Prusse-Orientale et de Berlin à Wriezen.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Berlin-Lichtenberg is een spoorweg- en S-Bahn- in het oosten van Berlijn. Het station bevindt zich aan het einde van de Frankfurter Allee en dankt zijn naam aan het stadsdeel Lichtenberg, waarin het gelegen is. Station Lichtenberg werd geopend in 1881 en was tijdens de deling van de stad een van de belangrijkste stations van Oost-Berlijn. Sinds 1930 ligt onder het station ook een gelijknamig metrostation. Aan de noordzijde van het station bevindt zich het eindpunt van tramlijnen 18 en 21.

Wikidata location: 52.5106, 13.4964 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found 21 match candidates

relation: Berlin-Lichtenberg (OSM), 101 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
lit: yes
ref: 15;16
area: yes
name: Berlin-Lichtenberg
bench: yes
level: 0
train: yes
railway: platform
shelter: yes
surface: asphalt
operator: DB Station&Service AG
description: S Lichtenberg
tactile_paving: yes
departures_board: realtime
public_transport: platform
passenger_information_display: yes
relation: Berlin-Lichtenberg (OSM), 69 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
lit: yes
ref: 17;20
area: yes
name: Berlin-Lichtenberg
bench: yes
level: 0
train: yes
railway: platform
shelter: yes
surface: asphalt
operator: DB Station&Service AG
description: S Lichtenberg
tactile_paving: no
departures_board: realtime
public_transport: platform
relation: Berlin-Lichtenberg (OSM), 39 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
lit: yes
ref: 21;22
area: yes
name: Berlin-Lichtenberg
bench: yes
level: 0
train: yes
railway: platform
shelter: yes
surface: asphalt
operator: DB Station&Service AG
description: S Lichtenberg
tactile_paving: no
departures_board: realtime
public_transport: platform
relation: Lichtenberg (OSM), 148 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
lit: yes
ref: 1;2
area: yes
name: Lichtenberg
bench: yes
level: 0
railway: platform
shelter: yes
surface: asphalt
operator: DB Station&Service AG
ref:IFOPT: de:11000:900160004:1
light_rail: yes
tactile_paving: yes
departures_board: realtime
public_transport: platform
passenger_information_display: yes
passenger_information_display:speech_output: no
way: Bahnhof Lichtenberg (OSM), 182 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Bahnhof Lichtenberg
shop: mall
toilets: yes
building: train_station
addr:city: Berlin
check_date: 2024-03-29
roof:shape: flat
wheelchair: yes
addr:street: Weitlingstraße
addr:suburb: Rummelsburg
addr:country: DE
addr:postcode: 10317
opening_hours: 24/7
changing_table: yes
building:levels: 3
addr:housenumber: 22
toilets:wheelchair: yes
node: Berlin-Lichtenberg (OSM), 152 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Berlin-Lichtenberg
train: yes
network: Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
railway: station
uic_ref: 8010036
operator: DB Netz AG;DB Station&Service AG
wikidata: Q634247
addr:city: Berlin
wikipedia: de:Bahnhof Berlin-Lichtenberg
start_date: 1881
wheelchair: yes
addr:street: Weitlingstraße
railway:ref: BLO
ref:station: 549
addr:postcode: 10317
network:short: VBB
source:address: DB Open Data
addr:housenumber: 22
public_transport: station
railway:station_category: 2

wikidata match: Q634247
way: Lichtenberg (OSM), 168 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
area: yes
name: Lichtenberg
bench: yes
layer: -2
level: -2
subway: yes
tunnel: yes
bicycle: dismount
railway: platform
wheelchair: yes
description: U Lichtenberg U5 Bahnsteig
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
node: Lichtenberg (OSM), 152 m from Wikidata [show tags]
ref: 2
name: Lichtenberg
train: yes
railway: stop
light_rail: yes
description: S Lichtenberg, Gleis 2
railway:ref: BLI
public_transport: stop_position
way: S+U Lichtenberg (OSM), 290 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
bus: yes
lit: yes
name: S+U Lichtenberg
bench: yes
shelter: yes
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
check_date:shelter: 2022-10-16
passenger_information_display: yes
node: Lichtenberg (OSM), 274 m from Wikidata [show tags]
ref: 1
name: Lichtenberg
train: yes
railway: stop
light_rail: yes
description: S Lichtenberg, Gleis 1
railway:ref: BLI
public_transport: stop_position
node: Lichtenberg (OSM), 287 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Lichtenberg
subway: yes
railway: stop
ref:BVG: 253202
name:BVG: S+U Lichtenberg [U5]
public_transport: stop_position
node: Berlin-Lichtenberg (OSM), 88 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Berlin-Lichtenberg
train: yes
network: Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
railway: stop
operator: DB Station&Service AG
local_ref: 17
railway:ref: BLO
public_transport: stop_position
node: Berlin-Lichtenberg (OSM), 119 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Berlin-Lichtenberg
train: yes
network: Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
railway: stop
operator: DB Station&Service AG
local_ref: 15
railway:ref: BLO
public_transport: stop_position
node: Lichtenberg (OSM), 211 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Lichtenberg
subway: yes
railway: stop
ref:BVG: 253201
name:BVG: S+U Lichtenberg [U5]
public_transport: stop_position
node: Berlin-Lichtenberg (OSM), 36 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Berlin-Lichtenberg
train: yes
network: Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
railway: stop
operator: DB Station&Service AG
local_ref: 22
railway:ref: BLO
public_transport: stop_position
node: Lichtenberg (OSM), 263 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Lichtenberg
level: -2
subway: yes
railway: station
station: subway
wheelchair: yes
surveillance: indoor
internet_access: yes
public_transport: station
internet_access:ssid: BVG Wi-Fi
node: S+U Lichtenberg (OSM), 278 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
name: S+U Lichtenberg
ref:BVG: 106373
name:BVG: S+U Lichtenberg [Bus]
public_transport: stop_position
node: Lichtenberg (OSM), 171 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Lichtenberg
network: Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
railway: station
station: light_rail
uic_ref: 8010036
operator: DB Netz AG
wikidata: Q634247
wikipedia: de:Bahnhof Berlin-Lichtenberg
light_rail: yes
wheelchair: yes
railway:ref: BLI
network:short: VBB
official_name: Berlin-Lichtenberg S-Bahn
internet_access: wlan
departures_board: realtime
public_transport: station
railway:station_category: 2
departures_board:speech_output: no

wikidata match: Q634247
node: Berlin-Lichtenberg (OSM), 66 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Berlin-Lichtenberg
train: yes
network: Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
railway: stop
operator: DB Station&Service AG
local_ref: 20
railway:ref: BLO
public_transport: stop_position
node: Berlin-Lichtenberg (OSM), 58 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Berlin-Lichtenberg
train: yes
network: Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
railway: stop
operator: DB Station&Service AG
local_ref: 21
railway:ref: BLO
public_transport: stop_position
node: Berlin-Lichtenberg (OSM), 98 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Berlin-Lichtenberg
train: yes
network: Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg
railway: stop
operator: DB Station&Service AG
local_ref: 16
railway:ref: BLO
public_transport: stop_position

Search criteria from Wikidata

view with

station (Q12819564) public_transport=station
building (Q41176) building=yes, building
public transport stop (Q548662) public_transport=platform, public_transport=stop_position
railway station (Q55488) railway=station
railway facility (Q800279) landuse=railway

Search criteria from categories

Berlin S-Bahn stations railway=historic_station, railway=halt, building=train_station, public_transport=stop_area, public_transport=station, railway=station, railway=tram_stop
Railway stations in Berlin site=railway_station, railway=halt, public_transport=station, type=site, railway=station, railway=tram_stop, railway=historic_station, public_transport=stop_area, building=train_station, railway=facility, site=railway, site=station
Railway stations in Germany opened in 1881 site=railway_station, railway=halt, public_transport=station, type=site, railway=station, railway=tram_stop, railway=historic_station, public_transport=stop_area, building=train_station, railway=facility, site=railway, site=station
U5 (Berlin U-Bahn) stations railway=historic_station, railway=halt, building=train_station, public_transport=stop_area, public_transport=station, railway=station, railway=tram_stop