[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,41.88979,28.02745)[place][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,41.88979,28.02745)[place][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,41.88979,28.02745)[place][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; node(around:1000,41.88979,28.02745)["historic"="archaeological_site"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,41.88979,28.02745)["historic"="archaeological_site"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,41.88979,28.02745)["historic"="archaeological_site"][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; ); out center tags;
Thynias (Ancient Greek: Θυνιάς) was a town of ancient Thrace on the coast of the Pontus Euxinus on a promontory of the same name (modern İğneada Burnu), mentioned by numerous ancient authors. It was located north of Salmydessus, which was probably at one time in the territories of the Thyni, although Strabo speaks of the district as belonging to the people of Apollonia. According to Pliny the Elder, the town was placed a little to the south of the promontory.
Thynias (Eski Yunanca: Θυνιάς) birçok antik yazarın eserinde bahsettiği, Pontus Euxinus kıyısındaki bir burunda (günümüzde İğneada Burnu) yer alan bir Antik Trak kentiydi. Muhtemelen bir zamanlar Thyni toprağı olan Salmydessos'un kuzeyinde yer almaktaydı ancak Strabon bu bölgenin Apollonia halkına ait olduğundan bahsetmektedir. Yaşlı Plinius'a göre kent burnun biraz güneyinde konumlanmaktaydı.
no matches found
locality (Q3257686) | place=locality |
city (Q515) | place=city |
archaeological site (Q839954) | historic=archaeological_site |
Former populated places in Turkey | boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level |
Populated places in ancient Thrace | boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level |