Löwendenkmal (Q688214)

  • matcher place: Lucerne (relation 1682891), Lucerne (relation 1685677)
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  • English Wikipedia categories: 1821 sculptures, Cultural property of national significance in the canton of Lucerne, Monuments and memorials in Switzerland, Rock reliefs, Sandstone sculptures, Sculptures by Bertel Thorvaldsen, Sculptures of lions, Stone sculptures in Switzerland
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Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Das Löwendenkmal befindet sich an einem Teich in einem kleinen Park in der Nähe des Löwenplatzes in Luzern und erinnert in der Allegorie eines sterbenden Löwen an die am 10. August 1792 beim Tuileriensturm in Paris gefallenen Schweizergardisten. In unmittelbarer Umgebung befinden sich der Gletschergarten, das Alpineum und das Bourbaki-Panorama.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Lion Monument (German: Löwendenkmal), or the Lion of Lucerne, is a rock relief in Lucerne, Switzerland, designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen and hewn in 1820–21 by Lukas Ahorn. It commemorates the Swiss Guards who were killed in 1792 during the French Revolution, when revolutionaries stormed the Tuileries Palace in Paris. It is one of the most famous monuments in Switzerland, visited annually by about 1.4 million tourists. In 2006, it was placed under Swiss monument protection.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Le Lion de Lucerne (en allemand : Löwendenkmal) est une sculpture située à Lucerne, en Suisse.

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

Il Leone di Lucerna (Löwendenkmal Luzern in lingua tedesca) è un monumento della città svizzera, progettato da Bertel Thorvaldsen e scolpito da Lukas Ahorn nel biennio 1820-1821. Commemora il sacrificio delle Guardie svizzere massacrate nel 1792, durante i torbidi della Rivoluzione francese, quando i rivoluzionari presero d'assalto il Palazzo delle Tuileries a Parigi, episodio che determinò la caduta della monarchia di Luigi XVI (v. Giornata del 10 agosto 1792).

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

El Monumento del León (en alemán: Löwendenkmal), también conocido como el León de Lucerna, es una escultura diseñada por el escultor danés Bertel Thorvaldsen y labrada por Lukas Ahorn entre 1819 y 1821 sobre una pared de roca de la ciudad de Lucerna, en Suiza. Conmemora el asesinato de 760 mercenarios de la Guardia Suiza durante la Revolución francesa en 1792 cuando se defendían del asalto de los revolucionarios al Palacio de las Tullerías en París, Francia.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Het Leeuwenmonument (Duits: Löwendenkmal) van Luzern is ontworpen door Bertel Thorvaldsen en in 1820-21 gehouwen door Lukas Ahorn. Het herdenkt de Zwitserse gardisten die in 1792 het leven lieten bij de verdediging van het Tuilerieënpaleis van koning Lodewijk XVI van Frankrijk.

Summary from Svenska / Swedish Wikipedia (svwiki)

Lejonmonumentet (tyska: Löwendenkmal), även benämnt Schweizerlejonet, är en staty föreställande ett döende lejon som har huggits ur en klippvägg i Luzern i Schweiz. Den ritades av den danske skulptören Bertel Thorvaldsen och höggs ut ur klippväggen i ett tidigare sandstensbrott av Lucas Ahorn.

Summary from 汉语 / Chinese Wikipedia (zhwiki)


Wikidata location: 47.0583, 8.3111 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

node: Löwendenkmal (OSM), 33 m from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Löwendenkmal
name:de: Löwendenkmal
name:en: Lion Monument
name:es: Monumento del León
name:ko: 빈사의 사자상
name:ru: Умирающий лев
name:zh: 狮子纪念碑
tourism: artwork
alt_name: Lion of Lucern
historic: monument
material: stone
monument: sculpture
wikidata: Q688214
wikipedia: de:Löwendenkmal Luzern
start_date: 1821-08-10
wheelchair: yes
artist_name: Bertel Thorvaldsen
artwork_type: sculpture
artwork_subject: figurative

wikidata match: Q688214

Search criteria from Wikidata

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statue (Q179700) artwork_type=statue, memorial=statue
monument (Q4989906) historic=monument
memorial (Q5003624) historic=memorial, memorial
work of art (Q838948) tourism=artwork
sculpture (Q860861) artwork_type=sculpture, artwork:type=sculpture

Search criteria from categories

1821 sculptures historic=monument, tourism, memorial=statue, memorial:type=statue, historic=memorial
Monuments and memorials in Switzerland tourism, memorial=statue, historic=monument, memorial:type=statue, historic=memorial
Sandstone sculptures historic=monument, tourism, memorial=statue, memorial:type=statue, historic=memorial
Sculptures by Bertel Thorvaldsen historic=monument, tourism, memorial=statue, memorial:type=statue, historic=memorial
Sculptures of lions historic=monument, tourism, memorial=statue, memorial:type=statue, historic=memorial
Stone sculptures in Switzerland historic=monument, tourism, memorial=statue, memorial:type=statue, historic=memorial