Mount Lourdes Grammar School (Q6921897)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Wikidata location: 54.3440, -7.6330 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

way: Mount Lourdes Grammar School (OSM), 180 metres from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Mount Lourdes Grammar School
amenity: school
alt_name: Convent of Mercy
wikidata: Q6921897
ref:deniirn: 2420041
addr:postcode: BT74 6AB

wikidata match: Q6921897

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school (Q3914) amenity=school

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Catholic secondary schools in Northern Ireland amenity=college, amenity=school, building=college, building=school, site=school, type=site
Girls' schools in Northern Ireland amenity=college, amenity=school, site=school, type=site, building=school, building=college
Grammar schools in County Fermanagh amenity=college, amenity=school, site=school, type=site, building=school, building=college
Schools in County Fermanagh amenity=college, amenity=school, site=school, type=site, building=school, building=college
Secondary schools in County Fermanagh amenity=college, amenity=school, building=college, building=school, site=school, type=site
Sisters of Mercy schools amenity=college, amenity=school, site=school, type=site, building=school, building=college