[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,-29.80000,30.88333)[place][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; way(around:1000,-29.80000,30.88333)[place][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; rel(around:1000,-29.80000,30.88333)[place][~"^(addr:housenumber|.*name.*)$"~".",i]; ); out center tags;
New Germany is an industrial town situated just inland from Durban in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It has been incorporated firstly into Pinetown and now into eThekwini. Originally Neu-Deutschland and subsequently translated, the name refers to settlement of the area by German immigrants in 1848. They came over to farm cotton, but when that crop proved unsuccessful, the settlers turned to growing vegetables and flowers. The town became a municipality in 1960.
New Germany is 'n dorp geleë in die binneland van Durban in KwaZulu-Natal, Suid-Afrika. Dit is aanvanklik ingesluit by Pinetown en nou in eThekwini. Dit is gestig in 1848 deur 'n groep van 183 Duitse immigrante wat hulle gevestig het op 'n katoenplaas genaamd Westville, genoem na die luitenant-goewerneur van Natal, Martin Weste. Jonas Bergtheil het die immigrante na Natal gebring. Die katoen was nie suksesvol nie en die setlaars het begin met die kweek van groente en blomme.
found a single match candidate
locality (Q3257686) | place=locality |
town (Q3957) | place=town |