Puerto Lounge (Q70628454)


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found a single match candidate

way: Puerto Lounge (OSM), 16 metres from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Puerto Lounge
brand: Lounges
phone: +44 1392 422102
amenity: restaurant
cuisine: british
fhrs:id: 955274
website: https://thelounges.co.uk/puerto/
building: yes
wikidata: Q70628454
addr:city: Exeter
addr:unit: A
addr:street: Commercial Road
source:addr: FHRS Open Data
addr:postcode: EX2 4AE
brand:wikidata: Q114313933
building:levels: 2
addr:housenumber: 38

wikidata match: Q70628454

Search criteria from Wikidata

view with query.wikidata.org

bar (Q187456) amenity=bar, bar
pub (Q212198) amenity=pub
shop (Q213441) shop=yes, shop
building (Q41176) building, building=yes
commercial building (Q655686) building=commercial