St.-Paulus-Dom (Q708532)

Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Der St.-Paulus-Dom ist eine römisch-katholische Kirche in Münster unter dem Patrozinium des Apostels Paulus. Die Kathedrale des Bistums Münster zählt zu den bedeutendsten Kirchenbauten in Münster und ist neben dem historischen Rathaus eines der Wahrzeichen der Stadt. Verwaltet wird der Dom vom Domkapitel Münster.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Münster Cathedral or St.-Paulus-Dom is the cathedral church of the Catholic Diocese of Münster in Germany, and is dedicated to Saint Paul. It is counted among the most significant church buildings in Münster and, along with the City Hall, is one of the symbols of the city.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

De Sint-Paulusdom is een rooms-katholieke kathedraal in de Duitse stad Münster. De dom staat samen met het historische raadhuis symbool voor Münster. Het beheer van de kathedraal is toevertrouwd aan het domkapittel. De kathedraal staat onder het patrocinium van de apostel Paulus.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

La cathédrale Saint-Paul (en allemand : St.-Paulus-Dom) est le monument le plus impressionnant et le plus prestigieux de la ville de Münster, en Allemagne. Elle fut construite de 1225 à 1264, période transitoire dans l'histoire de l'architecture entre l'art roman et l'art gothique. Elle fut en grande partie détruite lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle a été reconstruite à l'identique.

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

La catedral de San Pablo[1]​ (en alemán: St.-Paulus-Dom)[2]​ es la iglesia catedral de la diócesis de Münster[3]​ en Alemania que está dedicada a san Pablo. Se cuenta entre los edificios de las iglesias más importantes de Münster y, junto con el Ayuntamiento, es uno de los símbolos de la ciudad.

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

Il duomo di San Paolo (o duomo di Münster o St.-Paulus-Dom) è la chiesa cattolica maggiore di Münster e cattedrale della diocesi di Münster sin dalla fondazione nell'805.

Summary from Indonesia / Indonesian Wikipedia (idwiki)

Katedral Münster atau Gereja Katedral Santo Paulus (bahasa Jerman: St.-Paulus-Dom) adalah sebuah gereja katedral Katolik yang terletak di Münster, Jerman. Katedral ini didedikasikan untuk Santo Paulus. Gereja ini termasuk di antara bangunan gereja paling penting di Münster dan, bersama dengan Balai Kota, merupakan salah satu simbol kota.

Wikidata location: 51.9631, 7.6256 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

way: St.-Paulus-Dom (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: St.-Paulus-Dom
note: Drawn after official plan of the Dom. Plan was properly scaled (+/- 0.5m). Position of the Dom may not be exact and should possibly be verified, but please do not change the shape :-).
source: ALK NRW-Atlas
amenity: place_of_worship
diocese: Bistum Münster
name:de: St.-Paulus-Dom
name:es: Catedral de San Pablo
name:fr: Cathédrale Saint-Paul
name:no: St. Paulus-domkirka
name:pl: Katedra Świętego Pawła
name:uk: Мюнстерський собор
tourism: attraction
building: cathedral
heritage: 4
historic: cathedral
loc_name: Dom
religion: christian
wikidata: Q708532
addr:city: Münster
wikipedia: de:St.-Paulus-Dom
wheelchair: yes
addr:street: Domplatz
addr:country: DE
denomination: roman_catholic
note:comment: By survey I noticed that the Dom is not exactly east-west aligned. However, the Domkammer and the Sakristei are apparently aligned to the adjoining streets, so I turned the Dom slightly anticlockwise. Maybe someone could confirm the alignment.
addr:postcode: 48143
opening_hours: Mo-Sa 06:30-19:00; Su,PH 06:30-19:30
building:colour: #FFF4D4
addr:housenumber: 33
building:material: sandstone
heritage:operator: UntereDenkmalbehörde
wikimedia_commons: Category:St. Paul's Cathedral (Münster)
toilets:wheelchair: no
opening_hours:signed: yes
building:architecture: romanesque;gothic
wheelchair:description: Eingang barrierefreie Uhrenportal (automatische Türöffnungen). Für Menschen mit Hörbehinderung gibt es im Mittelschiff des St. Paulus-Domes eine induktive Höranlage (Induktionsschleife)

wikidata match: Q708532

Search criteria from Wikidata

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structure of worship (Q1370598) amenity=place_of_worship
church building (Q16970) religion=christian, building=church
cathedral (Q2977) building=cathedral
building (Q41176) building=yes, building
temple (Q44539) building=temple
shrine (Q697295) building=shrine

Search criteria from categories

Roman Catholic cathedrals in North Rhine-Westphalia building=cathedral
Roman Catholic churches in Münster amenity=place_of_worship, man_made=tower, building=church, disused:amenity=place_of_worship