Oliver Plunketts GAA (Q7087767)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

St. Oliver Plunkett's is a Gaelic Athletic Association club in Cork, Ireland. The club is based in Ahiohill. It fields teams in hurling and Gaelic football competitions organized by Cork GAA and the Carbery divisional board.


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way: Oliver Plunkett's GAA (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Oliver Plunkett's GAA
sport: gaelic_games
leisure: sports_centre
wikidata: Q7087767
addr:city: Ahiohill
wikipedia: en:Oliver Plunketts GAA

wikidata match: Q7087767

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sports club (Q847017) club=sport

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Gaelic football clubs in County Cork sport=soccer
Gaelic games clubs in County Cork sport=gaelic_games