Pazari i Ri (Q7156966)

Summary from Shqip / Albanian Wikipedia (sqwiki)

Blloku i Vilave - Sheshi Avni Rustemi është një monument i trashëgimisë kulturore në rrethin e Tiranës, në qarkun e Tiranës, Shqipëri. Ky monument është i miratuar me numër "122 më 05.03.2007".

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The New Bazaar (Albanian: Pazari i Ri) is a neighbourhood in Tirana, Albania. The name of the neighbourhood stems from the groceries marketplace (the bazaar, in Albanian: pazar), which is situated in the area. It is located east of the central boulevard. Along with Mujos it forms part of the Old Town of Tirana and is one of the oldest areas of the city. The old historic Kokonozi Mosque of Ottoman times is situated here.

Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Pazari i Ri ist ein Stadtteil der albanischen Hauptstadt Tirana östlich des zentralen Skanderbeg-Platzes. Der Name leitet sich vom hiesigen Markt (Basar, albanisch pazar) ab, der im Norden an den Avni-Rustemi-Platz angrenzt. Es handelt sich um eines der alten Viertel der Stadt mit der Kokonozi-Moschee aus dem 18. Jahrhundert im Zentrum.

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

Pazari i Ri (in lingua italiana: il Nuovo Mercato-Bazar) è un quartiere di Tirana.

Wikidata location: 41.3301, 19.8247 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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neighborhood (Q123705) place=neighbourhood

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Bazaars in Albania amenity=marketplace, amenity=market
Neighbourhoods of Tirana type=boundary, place, political_division=ward, landuse, boundary, admin_level