Shoal Harbour (Q7499734)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Shoal Harbour is a small community in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. It is part of the Town of Clarenville and just north of Clarenville proper.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Shoal Harbour is een buurt van de gemeente Clarenville in de Canadese provincie Newfoundland en Labrador. De plaats ligt aan de oostkust van het eiland Newfoundland en was tot 1994 een zelfstandige gemeente.

Wikidata location: 48.1833, -53.9833 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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neighborhood (Q123705) place=neighbourhood

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Former towns in Newfoundland and Labrador place=village, place=suburb, place=town
Populated coastal places in Canada boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level
Populated places in Newfoundland and Labrador boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level