The South African Radio League (SARL), formerly known as the South African Radio Relay League (SARRL), is a non-profit organisation representing the interests of amateur radio enthusiasts in South Africa. The SARL advocates on behalf of its membership and all licensed amateur radio operators in South Africa as the representative of amateur radio to the South African government. This has included the promotion of deregulation and simplification of the amateur radio service, and expansion of the number of amateur radio operators in Southern Africa. The SARL publicises and promotes the role of amateur radio in society, and promotes the use of amateur radio in schools as an entry point into the fields of science and technology. The SARL publishes a magazine called Radio ZS twelve times a year. SARL is the national Member Society representing South Africa in the International Amateur Radio Union and is a Member Society in IARU Region 1.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Radioliga (SARL) is in 1925 gestig met 'n tydelike hoofkwartier in Johannesburg. Lede was oor die hele land versprei. Die Liga is gevorm omdat 'n behoefte bestaan het om 'n oorkoepelende radio-organisasie te hê met min-of-meer dieselfde fokus en doel as die American Radio Relay League (ARRL) . Tot op daardie stadium het daar 'n aantal radio-klubs of -organisasies bestaan en hulle lede het aktief deelgeneem aan die opbou van die SARL.
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Clubs and societies in South Africa | club, sport, amenity=community_centre, leisure=social_club, amenity=bar |
Organizations established in 1925 | landuse=industrial, building=commercial |