Bahnhof Titisee (Q801517)

  • matcher place: Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald (relation 1946367)
  • view on Wikidata
  • Wikipedia: English, German, Polish
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • English Wikipedia categories: Buildings and structures in Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Railway stations in Baden-Württemberg
  • Overpass query: show queryOverpass Turbo
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Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Titisee station (German: Bahnhof Titisee) is a railway station in the municipality of Titisee-Neustadt, located in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Der Bahnhof Titisee ist einer von zwei Bahnhöfen von Titisee-Neustadt, der andere ist Neustadt (Schwarzwald). Der Bahnhof befindet sich im Stadtteil Titisee auf 858 m über Normalhöhennull. Er verfügt über vier Bahnsteiggleise, die an einem Haus- und an einem Mittelbahnsteig liegen. Titisee liegt an der Höllentalbahn, die von Freiburg nach Donaueschingen führt, und an der Dreiseenbahn von Titisee nach Seebrugg. Der Bahnhof wurde 1887 mit der Inbetriebnahme der Höllentalbahn auf dem Abschnitt von Neustadt nach Freiburg eröffnet.

Summary from Język polski / Polish Wikipedia (plwiki)

Titisee (niem.: Bahnhof Titisee) – stacja kolejowa w Titisee-Neustadt, w kraju związkowym Badenia-Wirtembergia, w Niemczech. Według DB Station&Service ma kategorię 5. Znajduje się w dzielnicy Titisee, na linii Freiburg – Donaueschingen oraz ma tutaj swój początek linia Titisee – Seebrugg.

Wikidata location: 47.9035, 8.1551 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found 17 match candidates

node: Titisee (OSM), 53 m from Wikidata [show tags]
ele: 858
ref: 1
name: Titisee
train: yes
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8005876
operator: DB Netz AG
gtfs:feed: DE-S-und-U-Bahnen
gtfs:name: Titisee
local_ref: 1
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:1:1
wheelchair: limited
railway:ref: RTIT
network:short: RVF
public_transport: stop_position
railway:position: 29.3
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
ref:IFOPT:description: Gleis 1
way: Titisee (OSM), 47 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
lit: yes
ref: 1
area: yes
bench: yes
train: yes
height: 0.38
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
railway: platform
shelter: yes
surface: paving_stones
operator: DB Station&Service AG
gtfs:feed: DE-S-und-U-Bahnen
gtfs:name: Titisee
local_ref: 1
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:1:1
description: Titisee Bahnhof, Bahnsteig 1 + 4
network:short: RVF
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
ref:IFOPT:description: Gleis 1
way: Titisee (OSM), 31 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
lit: yes
ref: 2
area: yes
bench: yes
train: yes
height: 0.38
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
railway: platform
shelter: yes
surface: asphalt
operator: DB Station&Service AG
gtfs:feed: DE-S-und-U-Bahnen
gtfs:name: Titisee
local_ref: 2
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:5:2
description: Titisee Bahnhof, Bahnsteig 2 + 3
network:short: RVF
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
ref:IFOPT:description: Gleis 2
node: Titisee Bahnhof (OSM), 149 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ref: de.08315113.bahnhof
name: Titisee Bahnhof
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
ref:RVF: 181601
uic_ref: 503189
uic_name: Titisee Bahnhof, Titisee-Neustadt
gtfs:feed: DE-BW-SBG
gtfs:name: Titisee Bahnhof (Bus)
local_ref: 1
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:4:1
route_ref: 7300
network:short: RVF
public_transport: stop_position
bus_stop:category: A
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
node: Titisee Bahnhof (OSM), 131 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ref: de.08315113.bahnhof
name: Titisee Bahnhof
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
ref:RVF: 181602
uic_ref: 503189
uic_name: Titisee Bahnhof, Titisee-Neustadt
gtfs:feed: DE-BW-SBG
gtfs:name: Titisee Bahnhof (Bus)
local_ref: 2
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:4:2
route_ref: 7255; SEV
network:short: RVF
public_transport: stop_position
bus_stop:category: A
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
node: Titisee Bahnhof (OSM), 112 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ref: de.08315113.bahnhof
name: Titisee Bahnhof
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
ref:RVF: 181603
uic_ref: 503189
uic_name: Titisee Bahnhof, Titisee-Neustadt
gtfs:feed: DE-BW-SBG
gtfs:name: Titisee Bahnhof (Bus)
local_ref: 3
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:4:3
network:short: RVF
public_transport: stop_position
bus_stop:category: A
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
node: Titisee Bahnhof (OSM), 100 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bus: yes
ref: de.08315113.bahnhof
name: Titisee Bahnhof
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
ref:RVF: 181604
uic_ref: 503189
uic_name: Titisee Bahnhof, Titisee-Neustadt
gtfs:feed: DE-BW-SBG
gtfs:name: Titisee Bahnhof (Bus)
local_ref: 4
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:4:4
network:short: RVF
public_transport: stop_position
bus_stop:category: A
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
way: Titisee Bahnhof (OSM), 102 m from Wikidata [show tags]
lit: yes
ref: 4
area: yes
train: yes
height: 0.38
covered: yes
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
railway: platform
surface: asphalt
operator: DB Station&Service AG
gtfs:feed: DE-S-und-U-Bahnen
gtfs:name: Titisee Bahnhof
local_ref: 4
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:1:4
description: Titisee Bahnhof, Bahnsteig 1 + 4
network:short: RVF
tactile_paving: no
public_transport: platform
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
ref:IFOPT:description: Gleis 4
way: Titisee (OSM), 21 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
lit: yes
ref: 3
area: yes
bench: yes
train: yes
height: 0.55
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
railway: platform
shelter: yes
surface: paving_stones
operator: DB Station&Service AG
gtfs:feed: DE-S-und-U-Bahnen
gtfs:name: Titisee
local_ref: 3
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:5:3
description: Titisee Bahnhof, Bahnsteig 2 + 3
network:short: RVF
tactile_paving: yes
public_transport: platform
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
ref:IFOPT:description: Gleis 3
wheelchair:description: Eine Stufe zwischen beiden Bahnsteigen. Bei Fahrstuhl Verbindungsrampe
node: Titisee (OSM), 138 m from Wikidata [show tags]
ele: 858
ref: 4
name: Titisee
train: yes
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8005876
operator: DB Netz AG
gtfs:feed: DE-S-und-U-Bahnen
gtfs:name: Titisee Bahnhof
local_ref: 4
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:1:4
wheelchair: limited
railway:ref: RTIT
network:short: RVF
public_transport: stop_position
railway:position: 0.0
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
ref:IFOPT:description: Gleis 4
node: Titisee (OSM), 46 m from Wikidata [show tags]
ele: 858
ref: 2
name: Titisee
train: yes
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8005876
operator: DB Netz AG
gtfs:feed: DE-S-und-U-Bahnen
gtfs:name: Titisee
local_ref: 2
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:5:2
wheelchair: limited
railway:ref: RTIT
network:short: RVF
public_transport: stop_position
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
ref:IFOPT:description: Gleis 2
node: Titisee (OSM), 53 m from Wikidata [show tags]
ele: 858
name: Titisee
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
railway: station
uic_ref: 8005876
operator: DB Netz AG
wikidata: Q801517
wikipedia: de:Bahnhof Titisee
wheelchair: limited
railway:ref: RTIT
network:short: RVF
public_transport: station
railway:station_category: 5

wikidata match: Q801517
node: Titisee (OSM), 32 m from Wikidata [show tags]
ele: 858
ref: 3
name: Titisee
train: yes
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
railway: stop
uic_ref: 8005876
operator: DB Netz AG
gtfs:feed: DE-S-und-U-Bahnen
gtfs:name: Titisee
local_ref: 3
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:5:3
wheelchair: limited
railway:ref: RTIT
network:short: RVF
public_transport: stop_position
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
ref:IFOPT:description: Gleis 3
node: Titisee Bahnhof (OSM), 127 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: de.08315113.bahnhof
name: Titisee Bahnhof
bench: yes
highway: bus_stop
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
ref:RVF: 181602
shelter: yes
uic_ref: 503189
interval: 60
operator: Südbadenbus GmbH
uic_name: Titisee Bahnhof, Titisee-Neustadt
gtfs:feed: DE-BW-SBG
gtfs:name: Titisee Bahnhof (Bus)
local_ref: 2
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:4:2
route_ref: 7255; SEV
network:guid: DE-BW-RVF
network:short: RVF
operator:guid: DE-BW-SBG
operator:short: SBG
tactile_paving: yes
network:wikidata: Q972037
public_transport: platform
bus_stop:category: A
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
node: Titisee Bahnhof (OSM), 107 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: de.08315113.bahnhof
name: Titisee Bahnhof
bench: yes
highway: bus_stop
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
ref:RVF: 181603
shelter: yes
uic_ref: 503189
interval: irregular
operator: Südbadenbus GmbH
uic_name: Titisee Bahnhof, Titisee-Neustadt
gtfs:feed: DE-BW-SBG
gtfs:name: Titisee Bahnhof (Bus)
local_ref: 3
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:4:3
network:guid: DE-BW-RVF
network:short: RVF
operator:guid: DE-BW-SBG
operator:short: SBG
tactile_paving: yes
network:wikidata: Q972037
public_transport: platform
bus_stop:category: A
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
node: Titisee Bahnhof (OSM), 95 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: yes
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: de.08315113.bahnhof
name: Titisee Bahnhof
bench: yes
highway: bus_stop
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
ref:RVF: 181604
shelter: yes
uic_ref: 503189
interval: irregular
operator: Südbadenbus GmbH
uic_name: Titisee Bahnhof, Titisee-Neustadt
gtfs:feed: DE-BW-SBG
gtfs:name: Titisee Bahnhof (Bus)
local_ref: 4
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:4:4
network:guid: DE-BW-RVF
network:short: RVF
operator:guid: DE-BW-SBG
operator:short: SBG
tactile_paving: yes
network:wikidata: Q972037
public_transport: platform
bus_stop:category: A
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12
node: Titisee Bahnhof (OSM), 158 m from Wikidata [show tags]
bin: no
bus: yes
lit: yes
ref: de.08315113.bahnhof
name: Titisee Bahnhof
bench: no
highway: bus_stop
network: Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg
ref:RVF: 181601
shelter: no
uic_ref: 503189
interval: 60
operator: Südbadenbus GmbH
uic_name: Titisee Bahnhof, Titisee-Neustadt
gtfs:feed: DE-BW-SBG
gtfs:name: Titisee Bahnhof (Bus)
local_ref: 1
ref:IFOPT: de:08315:6548:4:1
route_ref: 7300
destination: Feldberg,;Todtnau; Zell
network:guid: DE-BW-RVF
network:short: RVF
operator:guid: DE-BW-SBG
operator:short: SBG
tactile_paving: yes
network:wikidata: Q972037
public_transport: platform
bus_stop:category: A
gtfs:release_date: 2020-12-12

Search criteria from Wikidata

view with

station (Q12819564) public_transport=station
building (Q41176) building=yes, building
public transport stop (Q548662) public_transport=platform, public_transport=stop_position
railway station (Q55488) railway=station
railway facility (Q800279) landuse=railway

Search criteria from categories

Railway stations in Baden-Württemberg site=railway_station, railway=halt, public_transport=station, type=site, railway=station, railway=tram_stop, railway=historic_station, public_transport=stop_area, building=train_station, railway=facility, site=railway, site=station