Rheinmünster (Q80597)

  • matcher place: Landkreis Rastatt (relation 62388)
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  • Wikipedia: Basque, Chechen, Chinese, Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Kurdish, Latin, Malay, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Swedish, Tatar, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Volapük
  • English Wikipedia categories: Karlsruhe region geography stubs, Municipalities in Baden-Württemberg, Rastatt (district)
  • Overpass query: show queryOverpass Turbo
    out center tags;
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Rheinmünster ist eine Gemeinde in Baden-Württemberg, die zum Landkreis Rastatt gehört.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Rheinmünster is a municipality in the district of Rastatt in Baden-Württemberg in Germany. Formed in 1974, the town is an amalgamation of the former independent councils of Greffern, Schwarzach and Stollhofen. The name comes from the Rhine (Rhein), the river neighbouring the town and the cathedral (Münster), a Benedictine abbey that fell to secularisation in 1803.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Rheinmünster est une commune de Bade-Wurtemberg (Allemagne), située dans l'arrondissement de Rastatt, dans l'aire urbaine Mittlerer Oberrhein, dans le district de Karlsruhe.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Rheinmünster is een plaats in de Duitse deelstaat Baden-Württemberg, en maakt deel uit van het Landkreis Rastatt. Rheinmünster telt 6.968 inwoners.

Summary from Español / Spanish Wikipedia (eswiki)

Rheinmünster es un municipio alemán perteneciente al distrito de Rastatt en el estado federado de Baden-Wurtemberg. Barrios son Greffern, Hildmannsfeld, Schwarzach, Söllingen y Stollhofen.[2]

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

Rheinmünster è un comune tedesco di 6.561 abitanti, situato nel land del Baden-Württemberg.

Summary from Limba română / Romanian Wikipedia (rowiki)

Rheinmünster este o comună din landul Baden-Württemberg, Germania.

Wikidata location: 48.7653, 8.0494 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

relation: Rheinmünster (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Rheinmünster
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q80597
wikipedia: de:Rheinmünster
admin_level: 8
de:regionalschluessel: 082165006063
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class: Area
admin_centre:postal_code: 77836
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LCLversion: 9.00
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LocationCode: 53022
de:amtlicher_gemeindeschluessel: 08216063

wikidata match: Q80597

Search criteria from Wikidata

view with query.wikidata.org

political territorial entity (Q1048835) political_division
municipality (Q15284) place=municipality
government organization (Q2659904) government, operator:type=government
administrative territorial entity (Q56061) boundary=administrative