The rockslide of Elm (German: Der Bergsturz von Elm) was a mining disaster in Elm, Canton of Glarus, Switzerland which killed 115 people and destroyed 83 buildings on 11 September 1881. The catastrophe was partially caused by the mining of slate, beginning after 1870, by impoverished farmers who sought an additional source of income. Being inexperienced with proper mining techniques, they destabilized the rock face until the final catastrophe.
Der Bergsturz von Elm vom 11. September 1881 war eine Katastrophe im schweizerischen Elm im Kanton Glarus.
De bergstorting van Elm (Duits: Bergsturz von Elm) vond plaats in Elm in het Zwitserse kanton Glarus op zondag 11 september 1881. Bij de ramp kwamen 114 mensen om het leven en werden 83 woningen vernield.
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