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The Heraion of Samos was a large sanctuary to the goddess Hera, on the island of Samos, Greece, 6 km southwest of the ancient city of Samos (modern Pythagoreion). It was located in the low, marshy basin of the Imbrasos river, near where it enters the sea. The late Archaic temple in the sanctuary was the first of the gigantic free-standing Ionic temples, but its predecessors at this site reached back to the Geometric Period of the 8th century BC, or earlier. The ruins of the temple, along with the nearby archeological site of Pythagoreion, were designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1992, as a testimony to their exceptional architecture and to the mercantile and naval power of Samos during the Archaic Period.
Heraion på Samos är ett tempel helgat åt den grekiska gudinnan Hera, ett så kallat heraion, på ön Samos i regionen Nordegeiska öarna i Grekland. Det bestod i själva verket av fyra olika tempel, som uppfördes under olika tidsperioder.
L'Héraion de Samos (en grec ancien : Ἡραίον) est un grand sanctuaire ionien, au sud de l'île de Samos, à 6 km au sud-ouest de l'ancienne cité, sur un terrain marécageux, près de la mer.
Heraion (m.kreik. Ἡραίον, Hēraion) eli Heran temppeli oli antiikin aikainen Heralle omistettu temppeli Sámoksen saarella Kreikassa. Se sijaitsi noin kuusi kilometriä länteen saaren antiikin aikaisesta kaupunkikeskuksesta Samoksesta, joka sijaitsi nykyisen Pythagóreion kylän paikalla. Temppeli oli kooltaan antiikin maailman suurin.
Херайон (на старогръцки: Ήραῖον; на гръцки: Ηραίο) е храм на Хера на южното крайбрежие на остров Самос. Намира се на 5 километра на югозапад от днешния Питагорион. Заедно с древната Питагорея е включен в списъка на ЮНЕСКО през 1992 г.
Герейон, Герей (др.-греч. Ήραῖον, греч. Ηραίο) — храм Геры на южном побережье острова Самоса. Расположен в 5 километрах к юго-западу от Питагориона. Вместе с Пифагореей включён в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО в 1992 году.
Das Heraion von Samos ist das im Altertum berühmte Heiligtum der griechischen Göttin Hera („Heraion“) auf der Insel Samos.
found a single match candidate
structure of worship (Q1370598) | amenity=place_of_worship |
building (Q41176) | building, building=yes |
temple (Q44539) | building=temple |
shrine (Q697295) | building=shrine |
archaeological site (Q839954) | historic=archaeological_site |
Tourist attractions in the North Aegean | tourism=attraction, tourism=museum |
World Heritage Sites in Greece | tourism=attraction |