Dominikanerinnenkloster Kirchberg (Q882051)

  • matcher place: Landkreis Rottweil (relation 62344)
  • view on Wikidata
  • Wikipedia: English, Esperanto, French, German, Italian
  • Wikimedia Commons
  • English Wikipedia categories: 1230s establishments in the Holy Roman Empire, 1237 establishments in Europe, Christian monasteries established in the 13th century, Convents in Germany, Dominican monasteries in Germany, Monasteries in Baden-Württemberg
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Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Das Kloster Kirchberg ist ein ehemaliges Dominikanerinnenkloster bei Sulz am Neckar, Landkreis Rottweil, in Baden-Württemberg. Als Kloster eines Bettelordens besitzt seine Kirche keinen Glockenturm, sondern einen bescheidenen Dachreiter für ursprünglich zwei Glocken.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

The Kirchberg convent (also the Monastery Kirchberg) is a monastery located in Sulz am Neckar in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. The monastery is considered to be one of the most historically important religious buildings in Baden-Wuerttemberg. It also ranks as one of the oldest, having been built in the early 13th century, and one of the first female church houses in central Europe.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Le monastère de Kirchberg est un ancien monastère de sœurs dominicaines situé dans la commune de Sulz am Neckar, dans le Bade-Wurtemberg (Allemagne). Il est perché sur une colline boisée, à 571 m d'altitude, entre Forêt-Noire et Jura souabe.

Summary from Italiano / Italian Wikipedia (itwiki)

Il monastero di Kirchberg (in tedesco Kloster Kirchberg) è un monastero domenicano sito a Sulz am Neckar nel circondario di Rottweil, nel Baden-Württemberg, in Germania.

Wikidata location: 48.3581, 8.7328 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found a single match candidate

way: Kloster Kirchberg (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Kloster Kirchberg
amenity: place_of_worship
historic: monastery
religion: christian
wikidata: Q882051
addr:city: Sulz am Neckar
wikipedia: de:Kloster Kirchberg
wheelchair: limited
addr:street: Kirchberg
denomination: lutheran
addr:postcode: 72172
toilets:wheelchair: yes

wikidata match: Q882051

Search criteria from Wikidata

view with

structure of worship (Q1370598) amenity=place_of_worship
building (Q41176) building=yes, building
monastery (Q44613) amenity=monastery

Search criteria from categories

Christian monasteries established in the 13th century amenity=monastery, historic=monastery, building=monastery
Dominican monasteries in Germany amenity=monastery, historic=monastery, building=monastery
Monasteries in Baden-Württemberg amenity=monastery, historic=monastery, building=monastery