Bodan-Werft (Q889362)

Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Die Bodan Werft Metallbau GmbH & Co. KG war eine Spezialwerft mit Sitz im baden-württembergischen Kressbronn am Bodensee. Die Werft war insbesondere für die Bodenseeschifffahrt von Bedeutung. Neben dem Schiffbau existierten weitere Geschäftsbereiche wie Schwimmbad- und Metallbau sowie der Betrieb eines Hafens.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Boden-Werft GmbH is a German company, and a former shipyard, located in the port of Kressbronn on Lake Constance. The company was founded in 1919 as a shipyard, but the shipyard business was wound-up in 2011. The shipyard diversified into the building of swimming pools, and into operating a yacht harbour adjacent to the shipyard. These businesses still exist under the names Bodan Schwimmbadbau and Bodan Freizeit & Hafen.


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land use (Q1165944) landuse
industrial building (Q1662011) building=industrial
shipyard (Q190928) industrial=shipyard, waterway=boatyard
production structure (Q2111778) building=industrial
shop (Q213441) shop=yes, shop
industrial zone (Q329683) landuse=industrial
construction site (Q360418) landuse=construction
building (Q41176) building, building=yes
commercial building (Q655686) building=commercial