Cotta (Q8899)

  • matcher place: Cotta (relation 191626), Dresden (relation 191645), Cotta (relation 192965)
  • view on Wikidata
  • Wikipedia: Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish
  • English Wikipedia categories: City districts in Germany, Dresden
  • Overpass query: show queryOverpass Turbo
    out center tags;
Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

Cotta ist ein Stadtteil im Westen der sächsischen Landeshauptstadt Dresden und liegt im gleichnamigen Stadtbezirk.

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Cotta, located in the western part of the Saxony state capital Dresden, is a district within the city of the same name.

Summary from Nederlands / Dutch Wikipedia (nlwiki)

Cotta is een stadsdeel in het westen van de Duitse stad Dresden, in de deelstaat Saksen. Cotta telde in 2012 10.895 inwoners.

Summary from Svenska / Swedish Wikipedia (svwiki)

Cotta är en stadsdel i västra Dresden i Sachsen, Tyskland. Bebyggelsen är präglad från Gründerzeit.

Wikidata location: 51.0564, 13.6875 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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found 4 match candidates

relation: Cotta (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
ref: 91
name: Cotta
source: Kommunale Statistikstelle Dresden
boundary: administrative
admin_level: 11
official_name: Cotta mit Friedrichstadt-Südwest
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class: Area
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LCLversion: 9.00
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LocationCode: 3644
relation: Dresden (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Dresden
place: city
source: Kommunale Statistikstelle Dresden
name:ar: دريسدن
name:cs: Drážďany
name:de: Dresden
name:en: Dresden
name:es: Dresde
name:fa: درسدن
name:fr: Dresde
name:it: Dresda
name:ja: ドレスデン
name:ko: 드레스덴
name:pl: Drezno
name:ru: Дрезден
name:sk: Drážďany
name:th: เดรสเดิน
name:ur: ڈریسڈن
name:zh: 德累斯顿
boundary: administrative
de:place: city
name:hsb: Drježdźany
name:szl: Drezdno
wikidata: Q1731
wikipedia: de:Dresden
population: 556780
ref:nuts:3: DED21
admin_level: 6
name:prefix: Kreisfreie Stadt
name:zh-Hans: 德累斯顿
name:zh-Hant: 德累斯頓
official_name: Kreisfreie Stadt Dresden
license_plate_code: DD
de:regionalschluessel: 146120000000
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:Class: Area
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LCLversion: 8.00
TMC:cid_58:tabcd_1:LocationCode: 390
de:amtlicher_gemeindeschluessel: 14612000

wikidata mismatch: Q1731
relation: Cotta (OSM)exact location match [show tags]
name: Cotta
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q383195
wikipedia: de:Cotta (Stadtbezirk)
admin_level: 9
name:prefix: Ortsamtsbereich

wikidata mismatch: Q383195
node: Cotta (OSM), 0.61 km from Wikidata [show tags]
name: Cotta
is_in: Dresden,Dresden,Dresden,Sachsen,Bundesrepublik Deutschland,Europe
place: suburb
wikidata: Q8899
wikipedia: de:Cotta (Dresden)
opengeodb:lat: 51.0583154
opengeodb:lon: 13.6860619
openGeoDB:name: Cotta
openGeoDB:is_in: Dresden,Dresden,Dresden,Sachsen,Bundesrepublik Deutschland,Europe
openGeoDB:layer: 9
openGeoDB:loc_id: 27383
openGeoDB:version: / 2007-12-04 /
openGeoDB:sort_name: COTTA
openGeoDB:auto_update: population,is_in
openGeoDB:is_in_loc_id: 15827
openGeoDB:postal_codes: 01157,01159
openGeoDB:license_plate_code: DD
openGeoDB:community_identification_number: 14262000

wikidata match: Q8899

Search criteria from Wikidata

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neighborhood (Q123705) place=neighbourhood

Search criteria from categories

City districts in Germany boundary=administrative, landuse=residential, place, admin_level