[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,-41.10639,-71.39500)[place=island][name]; way(around:1000,-41.10639,-71.39500)[place=island][name]; rel(around:1000,-41.10639,-71.39500)[place=island][name]; node(around:1000,-41.10639,-71.39500)[place=islet][name]; way(around:1000,-41.10639,-71.39500)[place=islet][name]; rel(around:1000,-41.10639,-71.39500)[place=islet][name]; ); out center tags;
Huemul Island (Spanish: Isla Huemul) is an island in the Nahuel Huapi Lake, off the shore of San Carlos de Bariloche, a city in the province of Río Negro, Argentina, at 41°06′23″S 71°23′42″W. It derives its name from the Mapuche chief Güemul, whose tribe inhabited the area. Considered a historical and ecological tourist attraction, it has recently been conceded to the municipality of Bariloche after licitations with the government of Río Negro.
La isla Huemul está ubicada en el lago Nahuel Huapi, en cercanías de la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche, en la provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. Posee un embarcadero que se encuentra a pocos minutos de navegación desde la llamada "Playa Bonita", en tierra firme.
Isla Huemul är en ö i Argentina. Den ligger i provinsen Río Negro, i den sydvästra delen av landet, 1 300 km sydväst om huvudstaden Buenos Aires. Isla Huemul ligger i sjön Lago Nahuel Huapí.
found a single match candidate
island (Q23442) | place=island |
Lake islands of Argentina | place=island, admin_level, place=islet, boundary=administrative |