Our Saviour Lutheran School (Q96397849)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

Our Saviour Lutheran School is a private, Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, co-educational school in Morris Park, Bronx, New York City, New York, United States. The origins of its younger grades' school began in 1942, and its high school was established in 1955. It is part of the Lutheran Church of Our Saviour.

Wikidata location: 40.8499, -73.8506 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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school (Q3914) amenity=school

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Lutheran schools in New York (state) site=school, amenity=school, building=school, amenity=college, type=site, building=college
Private elementary schools in the Bronx site=school, amenity=school, building=school, amenity=college, type=site, building=college
Private high schools in the Bronx site=school, amenity=school, building=school, amenity=college, type=site, building=college
Private middle schools in the Bronx site=school, amenity=school, building=school, amenity=college, type=site, building=college
Schools affiliated with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod site=school, amenity=school, building=school, amenity=college, type=site, building=college