On 20 June 2020, shortly before 19:00 BST, a man with a knife attacked people who were socialising in Forbury Gardens, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom. Three men died from their wounds, and three other people were seriously injured. Khairi Saadallah, a 25-year-old Libyan male refugee, was arrested shortly afterwards. He was charged with three counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder; he pleaded guilty. In January 2021, Saadallah was sentenced to a whole-life term.
L'attentat du 20 juin 2020 à Reading est une attaque terroriste au couteau survenue le à Forbury Gardens, Reading, au Royaume-Uni. Trois personnes sont décédées des suites de leurs blessures et trois autres ont été grièvement blessées. Un homme de 25 ans a été arrêté sur les lieux, soupçonné de meurtre. Le lendemain, l'attaque est considéré comme une attaque terroriste.
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