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Cardia or Kardia (Ancient Greek: Kαρδία), anciently the chief town of the Thracian Chersonese (today Gallipoli peninsula), was situated at the head of the Gulf of Melas (today the Gulf of Saros). It was originally a colony of the Milesians and Clazomenians; but subsequently, in the time of Miltiades (late 6th century BC), the place also received Athenian colonists, as proved by Miltiades tyranny (515–493 BC). But this didn't make Cardia necessarily always pro-Athenian: when in 357 BC Athens took control of the Chersonese, the latter, under the rule of a Thracian prince, was the only city to remain neutral; but the decisive year was 352 BC when the city concluded a treaty of amity with king Philip II of Macedonia. A great crisis exploded when Diopeithes, an Athenian mercenary captain, had in 343 BC brought Attic settlers to the town; and since Cardia was unwilling to receive them, Philip immediately sent help to the town. The king proposed to settle the dispute between the two cities by arbitration, but Athens refused. Demosthenes, the famous Greek patriot and orator, spoke on this very matter to the Athenian Senate in 341 BC his "Oration On The State Of The Chersonesus":
Kardiya (Grekçe: Kαρδία Kardia, Latince: Cardia), Antik Çağ, Trakya Chersonese'nin (bugün Gelibolu yarımadası) ana kentidir ve Melas Körfezi'nin başında bulunur (bugün Saros Körfezi).
Cardia o Kardia (en griego antiguo: Kαρδία, Kardía) fue una polis griega, antiguamente capital del Quersoneso Tracio, que estaba situada a orillas del golfo de Melas (actual bahía de Saros), en la costa septentrional del istmo del Quersoneso, a unos 40 km al nordeste de Sesto.
Cardia (in greco antico: Kαρδία?) era un'antica città del Chersoneso Tracico, oggi in territorio turco.
Cardia ou Cardie (en grec ancien Kαρδία / Kardia) est une cité grecque située sur le golfe Mélas (actuel golfe de Saros) en Chersonèse de Thrace, actuellement dans la partie européenne de la Turquie.
Càrdia (grec antic: Καρδία, Kardía, llatí: Cardia) era una de les principals ciutats gregues del Quersonès traci, al golf de Melas. Originàriament era una colònia de Milet i de Clazòmenes i més tard, a l'època de Milcíades el Jove (al voltant de l'any 550 aC - 489 aC), va rebre colons atenesos, segons Heròdot i els Iambes al Rei Nicomedes.
Kardia – starożytne miasto, kolonia Miletu i Klazomenaj lub Kolofonu na Chersonezmie Trackim.
no matches found
political territorial entity (Q1048835) | political_division |
product (Q2424752) | product |
locality (Q3257686) | place=locality |
city (Q515) | place=city |
administrative territorial entity (Q56061) | boundary=administrative |
archaeological site (Q839954) | historic=archaeological_site |