Brazil (Q155)


EarthSouth America → Brazil
27 areas
Acre (Q40780) — state in the North Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Alagoas (Q40885) — state in the Northeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Amapá (Q40130) — state in the North Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Amazonas (Q40040) — state in the North Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Bahia (Q40430) — state in the Northeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Ceará (Q40123) — state in the Northeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Espírito Santo (Q43233) — state in the Southeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Federal District (Q119158) — federal district of Brazil, a federative unit in the Central-West Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Goiás (Q41587) — state in the Central-West Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Maranhão (Q42362) — state in the Northeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Mato Grosso (Q42824) — state in the Central-West Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Mato Grosso do Sul (Q43319) — state in the Central-West Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Minas Gerais (Q39109) — state in the Southeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Paraná (Q15499) — state in the South Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Paraíba (Q38088) — state in the Northeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Pará (Q39517) — state in the North Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Pernambuco (Q40942) — state in the Northeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Piauí (Q42722) — state in the Northeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Rio Grande do Norte (Q43255) — state in the Northeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Rio Grande do Sul (Q40030) — state in the South Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Rio de Janeiro (Q41428) — state in the Southeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Rondônia (Q43235) — state in the North Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Roraima (Q42508) — state in the North Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Santa Catarina (Q41115) — state in the South Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Sergipe (Q43783) — state in the Northeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
São Paulo (Q175) — state in the Southeast Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match
Tocantins (Q43695) — state in the North Region of Brazil wikidata OSM relation match

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