Ústí nad Labem Region (Q192702)


EarthEuropeCzech Republic → Ústí nad Labem Region
7 areas
Chomutov District (Q161094) — district of the Czech Republic wikidata OSM relation match
Děčín District (Q852525) — district of the Czech Republic wikidata OSM relation match
Litoměřice District (Q383415) — district of Czechia wikidata OSM relation match
Louny District (Q838292) — district of the Czech Republic wikidata OSM relation match
Most District (Q852511) — district of the Czech Republic wikidata OSM relation match
Teplice District (Q852518) — district of the Czech Republic wikidata OSM relation match
Ústí nad Labem District (Q852480) — district of Czechia wikidata OSM relation match

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