Randers Municipality (Q512457)


EarthEurope & North AmericaKingdom of DenmarkDenmarkCentral Denmark → Randers Municipality
54 areas
Albæk Parish (Q4670956) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Asferg Parish (Q2692024) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Borup Parish (Q1928202) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Dalbyneder Parish (Q645610) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Dalbyover Parish (Q2110630) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Dronningborg Parish (Q2545303) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Enghøj Parish (Q2350479) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Enslev Parish (Q4359648) — Randers subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Essenbæk Parish (Q2744720) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Fårup Parish (Q2122673) — Randers subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Gassum Parish (Q2846041) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Gimming Parish (Q1951442) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Gjerlev Parish (Q2460070) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Grensten Parish (Q2373217) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Hald Parish (Q670901) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Harridslev Parish (Q2378969) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Haslund Parish (Q2926666) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Helstrup Parish (Q2581027) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Hornbæk Parish (Q2046401) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Hørning Parish (Q2215811) — Randers subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Kastbjerg Parish (Q2438819) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Kousted Parish (Q2457739) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Kristrup Parish (Q3057916) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Kærby Parish (Q3424686) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Langå Parish (Q3079249) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Lem Parish (Q3260962) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Linde Parish (Q2936590) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Læsten Parish (Q971604) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Mellerup Parish (Q1940413) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Nørbæk Parish (Q1863443) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Råby Parish (Q2551911) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Råsted Parish (Q1915557) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Sankt Andreas Parish (Q2634687) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Sankt Clemens Parish (Q2328557) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Sankt Mortens Parish (Q2969675) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Sankt Peders Parish (Q12334624) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Spentrup Parish (Q2102166) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Støvring Parish (Q2523155) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Sødring Parish (Q4925830) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Sønderbæk Parish (Q1911742) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Torup Parish (Q655148) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Tvede Parish (Q1900086) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Tånum Parish (Q2691774) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Udbyneder Parish (Q2786281) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Virring Parish (Q12341162) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Vorup Parish (Q678049) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Værum Parish (Q1989859) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Ålum Parish (Q2920899) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Årslev Parish (Q4391223) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Ølst Parish (Q2679254) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Ørum Parish (Q2579247) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Øster Bjerregrav Parish (Q1971067) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Øster Tørslev Parish (Q4542343) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Øster Velling Parish (Q2193406) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match

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