Mariagerfjord Municipality (Q512528)


EarthEurope & North AmericaKingdom of DenmarkDenmarkNorth Denmark Region → Mariagerfjord Municipality
29 areas
Als Parish (Q2264999) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Arden Parish (Q1938399) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Astrup Parish (Q2334433) — Mariagerfjord subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Døstrup Parish (Q3198300) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Falslev-Vindblæs Parish (Q12311017) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Glenstrup Parish (Q2473855) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Hem Parish (Q2591421) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Hobro Parish (Q2276832) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Hvilsom Parish (Q2588705) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Hvornum Parish (Q2917397) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Hørby Parish (Q2712139) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Mariager Parish (Q1912249) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Nørre Onsild Parish (Q3209182) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Oue Parish (Q2753162) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Rold Parish (Q2864946) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Rostrup Parish (Q2684851) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Sem Parish (Q2460299) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Skelund Parish (Q2406110) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Skjellerup Parish (Q2108953) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Snæbum Parish (Q2383418) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Svenstrup Parish (Q1822370) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Sønder Onsild Parish (Q2195415) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Valsgaard Parish (Q2337723) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Vebbestrup Parish (Q4447357) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Vester Tørslev Parish (Q2198037) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Visborg Parish (Q1900718) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Vive-Hadsund Parish (Q22661911) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match
Øls Parish (Q2080469) — subdivision of the Diocese of Århus wikidata match
Øster Hurup Parish (Q2799574) — subdivision of the Diocese of Aalborg wikidata match

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