arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Seine (Q639304)


EarthEuropeFranceMetropolitan FranceGrand EstAube → arrondissement of Nogent-sur-Seine
6 areas
canton of Marcilly-le-Hayer (Q1510511) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Méry-sur-Seine (Q1726429) — canton of France wikidata match
canton of Romilly-sur-Seine-1 (Q174319) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Romilly-sur-Seine-2 (Q525518) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Villenauxe-la-Grande (Q1727896) — canton of France wikidata match

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