arrondissement of Laon (Q701410)


EarthEuropeFranceMetropolitan FranceHauts-de-FranceAisne → arrondissement of Laon
13 areas
canton of Anizy-le-Château (Q257860) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Chauny (Q574168) — canton of France wikidata OSM relation match
canton of Coucy-le-Château-Auffrique (Q575981) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Craonne (Q568001) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Crécy-sur-Serre (Q582928) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of La Fère (Q582945) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Laon-Nord (Q525441) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Laon-Sud (Q596242) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Marle (Q575964) — canton of France wikidata OSM relation match
canton of Neufchâtel-sur-Aisne (Q596371) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Rozoy-sur-Serre (Q596236) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Sissonne (Q582940) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Tergnier (Q1638332) — canton of France wikidata OSM relation match

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