arrondissement of Péronne (Q702153)


EarthEuropeFranceMetropolitan FranceHauts-de-FranceSomme → arrondissement of Péronne
8 areas
canton of Albert (Q137493) — canton of France wikidata OSM relation match
canton of Bray-sur-Somme (Q137491) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Chaulnes (Q166931) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Combles (Q166921) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Ham (Q1032351) — canton of France wikidata OSM relation match
canton of Nesle (Q591385) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match
canton of Péronne (Q1032356) — canton of France wikidata OSM relation match
canton of Roisel (Q1032358) — canton of France (until March 2015) wikidata match

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