Match: Q107052978 + way/221643065
- Wikidata: Sant Pere (Q107052978)
- OSM: Sant Pere (way 221643065)
- matcher place:
Molló (relation 341146),
Girona (relation 349023)
- distance between Wikidata coordinates and OSM location: 38 m
- Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia:
Match details
OSM tag name=Sant Pere
matches Sant Pere
in these Wikidata fields:
- label: en
- label: oc
- label: eu
- label: fr
- label: pt
- label: de
OSM tag name:ca=Sant Pere
matches Sant Pere
in these Wikidata fields:
- label: en
- label: oc
- label: eu
- label: fr
- label: pt
- label: de