Match: Q11657578 + way/295598893

  • Wikidata: Awa Gin Plaza (Q11657578)
  • OSM: 阿波銀プラザ (way 295598893)
  • matcher place: Tokushima Prefecture (relation 3795000)
  • Wikidata and OSM exact location match
  • Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia: amenity=events_venue, building, building=museum, building=yes, government=culture, museum, tourism=attraction, tourism=gallery, tourism=museum
Wikidata location: 34.0703, 134.5470 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=阿波銀プラザ matches 阿波銀プラザ in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: ja
  • sitelink: jawiki