Match: Q12080400 + way/759010070

  • Wikidata: Bayóvar mine (Q12080400)
  • OSM: Mina Bayovar (way 759010070)
  • matcher place: Piura (relation 1986151)
  • distance between Wikidata coordinates and OSM location: 477 m
  • English Wikipedia categories: Phosphate mines in Peru
  • Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia: gnis:feature_type=Mine, industrial=mine, landuse=quarry, location=underground, man_made=mine, man_made=mineshaft
Wikidata location: -6.0698, -80.8524 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=Mina Bayovar matches Mina Bayóvar in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: es
  • sitelink: eswiki

OSM tag name=Mina Bayovar matches Mina Bayovar in these Wikidata fields:

  • alias: es

Search criteria from categories

Phosphate mines in Peru gnis:feature_type=Mine, landuse=quarry, man_made=mine, industrial=mine, man_made=mineshaft