Match: Q123034656 + way/1044836392

  • Wikidata: Stauderbach (Q123034656)
  • OSM: Winsauer Bach (way 1044836392)
  • matcher place: Vorarlberg (relation 74942), Alps (relation 2698607)
  • distance between Wikidata coordinates and OSM location: 0.95 km
  • Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia: natural=water, subject, waterway, waterway=stream
Wikidata location: 47.4088, 9.8107 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=Winsauer Bach matches Winsauerbach in these Wikidata fields:

  • alias: de

OSM tag name=Winsauer Bach matches Winsauer Bach in these Wikidata fields:

  • alias: de