Match: Q1462314 + way/91970948

Wikidata location: 32.8144, 34.9872 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name:en=Shrine of the Bab matches Shrine of the Báb in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: en
  • sitelink: commonswiki
  • sitelink: enwiki
  • commonscat: None
  • extract: enwiki

OSM tag name:de=Schrein des Bab matches Schrein des Bab in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: de
  • sitelink: dewiki

OSM tag name:ar=ضريح الباب matches ضريح الباب in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: ar
  • sitelink: arwiki

OSM tag name=כיפת הבאב matches כיפת הבאב in these Wikidata fields:

  • alias: he

OSM tag name:he=כיפת הבאב matches כיפת הבאב in these Wikidata fields:

  • alias: he

OSM tag name:en=Shrine of the Bab matches Shrine of the Bab in these Wikidata fields:

  • alias: en

Search criteria from categories

World Heritage Sites in Israel tourism=attraction