OSM tag name=מנזר סטלה מאריס matches מנזר סטלה מאריס in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:he=מנזר סטלה מאריס matches מנזר סטלה מאריס in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:en=Stella Maris Monastery matches Stella Maris Monastery in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:fr=Monastère Stella Maris matches monastère Stella Maris in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:en=Stella Maris Monastery matches Stella Maris in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:fr=Monastère Stella Maris matches Monastère Stella Maris in these Wikidata fields:
19th-century Christian monasteries | amenity=monastery, historic=monastery, building=monastery |
19th-century Roman Catholic church buildings in Israel | amenity=place_of_worship, man_made=tower, building=church, disused:amenity=place_of_worship |
Basilica churches in Israel | amenity=place_of_worship, man_made=tower, building=church, disused:amenity=place_of_worship |
Carmelite monasteries in Israel | amenity=monastery, historic=monastery, building=monastery |
Church buildings in the Kingdom of Jerusalem | amenity=place_of_worship, man_made=tower, building=church, disused:amenity=place_of_worship |
Roman Catholic churches in Haifa | amenity=place_of_worship, man_made=tower, building=church, disused:amenity=place_of_worship |