Match: Q29785780 + way/163236579

  • Wikidata: Murhof Tithe Barn (Q29785780)
  • OSM: Zehntenscheune Murhof (way 163236579)
  • matcher place: Lucerne (relation 1685677)
  • Wikidata and OSM exact location match
  • Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia: amenity=place_of_worship, building, building=barn, building=commercial, building=farm_auxiliary, building=warehouse, building=yes
Wikidata location: 47.2323, 7.8464 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=Zehntenscheune Murhof matches Zehntenscheune Murhof in these Wikidata fields:

  • label: de