Match: Q3389020 + way/825426012
- Wikidata: South European Pipeline (Q3389020)
- OSM: Südeuropäische Pipeline (way 825426012)
- matcher place:
Karlsruhe (relation 62518)
- distance between Wikidata coordinates and OSM location: 2.29 km
- Wikimedia Commons
- English Wikipedia categories:
BP buildings and structures,
ExxonMobil buildings and structures,
France–Germany relations,
France–Switzerland relations,
Germany–Switzerland relations,
Infrastructure completed in 1962,
Oil pipelines in France,
Oil pipelines in Germany,
Oil pipelines in Switzerland,
Shell plc,
- Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia:
Match details
OSM tag name:en=South European Pipeline
matches South European Pipeline
in these Wikidata fields:
- label: en
- label: cs
- sitelink: enwiki
- extract: enwiki
OSM tag name=Südeuropäische Pipeline
matches Südeuropäische Pipeline
in these Wikidata fields:
- label: de
- sitelink: dewiki
OSM tag name:de=Südeuropäische Pipeline
matches Südeuropäische Pipeline
in these Wikidata fields:
- label: de
- sitelink: dewiki
OSM tag name:fr=Oléoduc sud-européen
matches Oléoduc sud-européen
in these Wikidata fields:
- sitelink: commonswiki
- sitelink: frwiki
- commonscat: None
OSM tag short_name=SEPL
matches SEPL
in these Wikidata fields: