Match: Q67503518 + node/6794748087

  • Wikidata: Stolperstein dedicated to Emma Epstein (Q67503518)
  • OSM: Emma Epstein (node 6794748087)
  • matcher place: Mainz (relation 62630), Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (relation 3158894)
  • distance between Wikidata coordinates and OSM location: 5 m
  • Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia: artwork:type=sculpture, artwork_type=relief, artwork_type=sculpture, artwork_type=statue, heritage, historic=heritage, historic=memorial, historic=monument, memorial, memorial:type=stolperstein, memorial=plaque, memorial=statue, memorial=stolperstein, protect_class=22, surface=paved, tourism=artwork
Wikidata location: 50.0008, 8.2623 view on OSM

Match details

Match detail not available.