Match: Q8999 + way/38771012
- Wikidata: Exeter Airport (Q8999)
- OSM: Exeter Airport (way 38771012)
- matcher place:
East Devon (relation 2114883)
- Wikidata and OSM exact location match
- Wikimedia Commons
- English Wikipedia categories:
Airfields of the IX Troop Carrier Command in the United Kingdom,
Airfields of the United States Army Air Forces Air Transport Command in the European Theater,
Airports in Devon,
Buildings and structures in Exeter,
Transport in Exeter
- Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia:
Match details
OSM tag name=Exeter Airport
matches Exeter Airport
in these Wikidata fields:
- label: en
- label: sv
- sitelink: enwiki
- sitelink: svwiki
- extract: enwiki
OSM tag name:en=Exeter Airport
matches Exeter Airport
in these Wikidata fields:
- label: en
- label: sv
- sitelink: enwiki
- sitelink: svwiki
- extract: enwiki
OSM tag name=Exeter Airport
matches Exeter International Airport
in these Wikidata fields:
- label: nl
- label: pms
- sitelink: commonswiki
- sitelink: dewiki
- sitelink: nlwiki
- sitelink: pmswiki
- commonscat: None
OSM tag name:en=Exeter Airport
matches Exeter International Airport
in these Wikidata fields:
- label: nl
- label: pms
- sitelink: commonswiki
- sitelink: dewiki
- sitelink: nlwiki
- sitelink: pmswiki
- commonscat: None
OSM tag name:pl=Port lotniczy Exeter
matches Port lotniczy Exeter
in these Wikidata fields:
- label: pl
- sitelink: plwiki
OSM tag name=Exeter Airport
matches Exeter
in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:en=Exeter Airport
matches Exeter
in these Wikidata fields:
Search criteria from categories