OSM tag name:pt=Río Guaporé matches Rio Guaporé in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag alt_name:es=Rio Guaporé matches Rio Guaporé in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag int_name=Guaporé matches Guaporé in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag int_name=Guaporé matches Гуапоре in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:pt=Río Guaporé matches río Guaporé in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag alt_name:es=Rio Guaporé matches río Guaporé in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:es=Río Iténez matches Río Iténez in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag alt_name:pt=Río Iténez matches Río Iténez in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:en=Guapore River matches Guaporé River in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag alt_name:ca=riu Itenez;riu Guaporé matches riu Itenez in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag int_name=Guaporé matches გუაპორე in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag int_name=Guaporé matches Guaporė in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag alt_name:ca=riu Itenez;riu Guaporé matches Ríu Iténez in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:pt=Río Guaporé matches Rio Guapore in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag alt_name:es=Rio Guaporé matches Rio Guapore in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:es=Río Iténez matches Río Itenez in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag alt_name:pt=Río Iténez matches Río Itenez in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag alt_name:ca=riu Itenez;riu Guaporé matches Riu Iténez in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag alt_name:ca=riu Itenez;riu Guaporé matches Riu Guaporé in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag int_name=Guaporé matches Guapore in these Wikidata fields:
OSM tag name:en=Guapore River matches Guapore River in these Wikidata fields:
Border rivers | type=waterway |
International rivers of South America | type=waterway |
Rivers of Beni Department | type=waterway |
Rivers of Mato Grosso | type=waterway |
Rivers of Santa Cruz Department (Bolivia) | type=waterway |