Match: Q98658047 + way/277071114

  • Wikidata: Kirchstraße 15, 17 (Q98658047)
  • OSM: Kirche Niederoderwitz (way 277071114)
  • matcher place: Görlitz (relation 62345), Oderwitz (relation 418711)
  • Wikidata and OSM exact location match
  • Tags from Wikidata and Wikipedia: amenity=place_of_worship, artwork:type=sculpture, artwork_type=sculpture, artwork_type=statue, building, building=church, building=shrine, building=temple, building=yes, historic=memorial, historic=monument, memorial, memorial=statue, memorial=war_memorial, religion=christian, tourism=artwork
Wikidata location: 50.9514, 14.7288 view on OSM

Match details

OSM tag name=Kirche Niederoderwitz matches Kirche Niederoderwitz in these Wikidata fields:

  • commonscat: None