Searching for Sidoharjo, Sidoharjo, Indonesia found 19 places. Select one to start matching.
[matcher only works with relations and ways, not with nodes]
Try searching for Sidoharjo, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia instead
[area too small for matcher]
Try searching for Sidoharjo, Pacitan, East Java, Java, 63514, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with relations and ways, not with nodes]
Try searching for Sidoharjo, Lampung Tengah, Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with relations and ways, not with nodes]
Try searching for 14, Gang Arjuna, Pati, Central Java, Java, 59115, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with relations and ways, not with nodes]
Try searching for Jalan Letnan Jenderal Sutoyo, Pacitan, East Java, Java, 63514, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with place or boundary]
Try searching for Sidorejo, Wonogiri, Central Java, Java, 57682, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with place or boundary]
Try searching for Sidoharjo, Boyolali, Central Java, Java, 57313, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with place or boundary]
Try searching for Sidoharjo, Sragen, Central Java, Java, 57212, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with place or boundary]
Try searching for Jetak, Sragen, Central Java, Java, 57212, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with place or boundary]
Try searching for Sidoharjo, Lampung Tengah, Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with place or boundary]
Try searching for Sidoharjo, Lampung Tengah, Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with relations and ways, not with nodes]
Try searching for Jalan Lintas Selatan, Waluyorejo, Kebumen, Central Java, Java, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with relations and ways, not with nodes]
Try searching for Jalan Adimulyo, Kebulusan, Sruweng, Kebumen, Central Java, Java, 54362, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with relations and ways, not with nodes]
Try searching for Jalan Tepus, Hargosari, Sidoharjo, Tepus, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with relations and ways, not with nodes]
Try searching for *, Sidoharjo, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Java, 55672, Indonesia instead
[area too small for matcher]
Try searching for Jalan Wonogiri - Ponorogo, Sidorejo, Wonogiri, Central Java, Java, 57682, Indonesia instead
[area too small for matcher]
Try searching for Jalan Wonogiri - Ponorogo, Sidorejo, Wonogiri, Central Java, Java, 57682, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with relations and ways, not with nodes]
Try searching for Jalan Raya Sruwen-Karanggede, Rejoso, Susukan, Semarang, Central Java, Java, Indonesia instead
[matcher only works with relations and ways, not with nodes]
Try searching for Losari Barat Gang 8, Sidoharjo, Mojokerto, East Java, Java, 61318, Indonesia instead