[timeout:300][out:json]; ( node(around:1000,-33.93994,18.37588)[place=neighbourhood][name]; way(around:1000,-33.93994,18.37588)[place=neighbourhood][name]; rel(around:1000,-33.93994,18.37588)[place=neighbourhood][name]; node(around:1000,-33.93994,18.37588)[place=suburb][name]; way(around:1000,-33.93994,18.37588)[place=suburb][name]; rel(around:1000,-33.93994,18.37588)[place=suburb][name]; ); out center tags;
Clifton is an affluent suburb of Cape Town, South Africa. It is an exclusive residential area and is home to the most expensive real estate in South Africa, with dwellings nestled on cliffs that have sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean.
Clifton is 'n klein maar welvarende voorstad in westelike Kaapstad. Volgens die 2011-sensus het die voorstad 'n inwonertal van 507 gehad, waarvan 396 (78%) Blankes was. Clifton se vierde strand is as 'n blouvlagstrand gesertifiseer.
Clifton (anciennement Clifton-on-Sea) est une station balnéaire en faubourg de la ville du Cap en Afrique du Sud.
found 2 match candidates
neighborhood (Q123705) | place=neighbourhood |
Beaches of South Africa | natural=beach |
Suburbs of Cape Town | boundary=administrative, place=suburb, landuse=residential, admin_level |