HMS Greyhound (Q503398)

Summary from English Wikipedia (enwiki)

HMS Greyhound was a G-class destroyer built for the Royal Navy in the 1930s. Greyhound participated in the Norwegian Campaign in April 1940, the Dunkirk evacuation in May and the Battle of Dakar in September before being transferred to the Mediterranean Fleet in November. The ship generally escorted the larger ships of the Mediterranean Fleet as they protected convoys against attacks from the Italian Fleet. She sank two Italian submarines while escorting convoys herself in early 1941. Greyhound was sunk by German Junkers Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers north-west of Crete on 22 May 1941 as she escorted the battleships of the Mediterranean Fleet attempting to intercept the German sea-borne invasion forces destined for Crete.

Summary from Français / French Wikipedia (frwiki)

Le HMS Greyhound (H05) est un destroyer de la classe G construit pour la Royal Navy. Lancé le et armé en , il intègre la Home Fleet et participe à la campagne de Norvège, à l'évacuation de Dunkerque et à la bataille de Dakar avant d'être affecté la Mediterranean Fleet. Il escorte alors des convois pour Malte avant de participer à la bataille de Crète durant laquelle il est coulé par des Stukas du StG 2, le .

Summary from Suomi / Finnish Wikipedia (fiwiki)

HMS Greyhound (viirinumero H05) oli Britannian kuninkaallisen laivaston G-luokan hävittäjä toisessa maailmansodassa.

Summary from Deutsch / German Wikipedia (dewiki)

HMS Greyhound (H05) war einer der acht Zerstörer der G-Klasse der britischen Royal Navy. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde der Zerstörer mit den Battle Honours „Atlantic 1939“, „Norway 1940“, „Dunkirk 1940“, „Spartivento 1940“, „Matapan 1941“, „Crete 1941“, „Libya 1941“, „Malta Convoys 1941“ und „Mediterranean 1941“ ausgezeichnet.

Wikidata location: 36.0000, 23.1667 view on OSM or edit on OSM


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Ships sunk by aircraft during the Battle of Crete historic=battlefield