Regional Unit of Islands

Regional Unit of Islands, Attica, Greece
category: boundary — type: administrative — OSM: relation 957704

Latest matcher run: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 20:25

Wikidata tags already added to OSM with this tool.

  • 20:57 Wed, 26 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 16 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "add wikidata tags "
  • 20:57 Wed, 26 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 3 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "Add wikidata tags to hotels in the Regional Unit of Islands, Attica, GR-I, Attica, Greece."
  • 20:56 Wed, 26 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 4 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "Add wikidata tags to religious buildings in the Regional Unit of Islands, Attica, GR-I, Attica, Greece."
  • 20:56 Wed, 26 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 4 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "Add wikidata tags to landforms in the Regional Unit of Islands, Attica, GR-I, Attica, Greece."
  • 20:56 Wed, 26 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 4 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "Add wikidata tags to coasts in the Regional Unit of Islands, Attica, GR-I, Attica, Greece."
  • 20:55 Wed, 26 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 4 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "Add wikidata tags to archaeological sites in the Regional Unit of Islands, Attica, GR-I, Attica, Greece."
  • 20:53 Wed, 26 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 5 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "Add wikidata tags to castles in the Regional Unit of Islands, Attica, GR-I, Attica, Greece."
  • 20:53 Wed, 26 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 8 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "Add wikidata tags to islets in the Regional Unit of Islands, Attica, GR-I, Attica, Greece."
  • 20:51 Wed, 26 Jun 2024: geraki added tags to 7 OSM elements view changeset
    Change comment: "Add wikidata tags to bays in the Regional Unit of Islands, Attica, GR-I, Attica, Greece."

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